Exit the Support folder and back to the Library, continue to open Caches folder, and delete the associated content inside.Click on Application Support inside the Library folder, and move those support files which contain the app's or the publisher's name to the Trash.Type "~/Library/" in the box, and hit Return key.As the application also save files in other folders, especially in the Library folder, you should go to clean all of components in these places.Find and locate Image2icon in the folder, and drag it to the Trash.Click on Finder on the upper menu, select Applications.Stop Image2icon running on the computer.Option two: remove it manually to the Trash If you cannot find the uninstaller, please take the following option to remove Image2icon. Double-click on it on start the removal.Search or find the app's uninstaller directly in the folder.Open Finder, select Applications in the sidebar.
Manually remove Image2icon on the Mac Option one: find the app's uninstaller to remove itself Take effective ways and guides to remove Image2icon on the Mac 1. If you are lacking of a good way to help you uninstall the application well from your Mac, the following instructions may be very helpful and useful for you.
Image2icon cannot be launched and always displays a running error code.Image2icon cannot be reinstalled on the Mac.Incomplete/unsuccessful removal would lead to: Image2icon cannot be removed completely from Mac, there are still some files and components leaving on the computer.Image2icon always running at the background and cannot be stopped running before taking the removal.Application bounces back when trying to drag it to the Trash on the Dock.Cannot find an uninstaller of the app on computer.After getting people's feedback and checking the related problems people asking online, the most common problems of removing Image2icon for most people are: What trouble you to uninstall Image2icon? The answer may be various different as people taking different ways to remove this app in different environment. Have questions about Image2icon removal on the Mac but can't find an effective way or solution to remove it well? This post will show you the right way to uninstall Image2icon, as well as the general solutions people can take to troubleshoot the incomplete or unsuccessful removal on their computers. How Can We Uninstall Image2icon From Mac In a Right And Easy Way